When the air inside your home is perfectly clean and fresh, it can take you places. This new brand commercial for Daikin helped them gain traction as they entered the US market.

Calendly for Revenue Explainer
With scheduling automation and tools for inbound demand generation, Calendly for Revenue makes it easy to say, "Let's Have a Meeting."

Chase Online
In an age where people are interacting more with their mobile devices and computers than with each other, it can be refreshing to have a live conversation with a real person ... even online. That's what makes this new service for Chase bank so great.

ContractPodAi_Legal Intake
Because before you can start the legal work, you have to get through all those legal requests!

ZeroFox_External Attack Surface
With all the social media sites and apps employees have access to, most of today's cyber-security threats come from outside your security perimeter. That's why there's ZeroFox.

ContractPodAi_Brand Overview
Every company or business relies on legal agreements to manage risk and predict expectations. But contracts are complex and cumbersome. It's easy to make mistakes and overlook details that could cause issues. So what do you do to help shore that up? Hand it over to AI!

Daikin Fit_Crickets
The Creative Brief for the new Daikin Fit A/C said, "Talk about the space-saving design." But as soon as we turned it on, we realized how quiet it was and decided to focus on that as well.

You can get lost in a Jeep and find yourself along the way.

GoHealth_Sick To Smile
This new brand commercial helped launch GoHealth Urgent Care when they first entered the market in 2015. We complimented this with OOH advertising, Social Media and Radio. Stop waiting in line for primary care. This is priority care!

Daikin Comfort
Before we created a new brand positioning for Daikin, they were interested in humor. So we took it to extremes in these fun videos, which targeted new HVAC dealers.

In this spot for Home and Garden Channel, a standard traffic stop bonds two strangers in an unexpected way.

The client goal was to highlight Samsung's global presence by announcing the time in four different countries. With that said, we decided to shoot it in Iceland.

Independent Film Channel
If we had to order the right ingredients for a tasteful movie, we wouldn't have that much selection in Hollywood.

Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
The slave trade didn’t die after the civil war. It continues to this day, and human beings are still bid on as property. It may come in the form of an online casting call, where someone thinks they’re auditioning for a role in a film. But the reality is much different. To bring this to life, we underscored our footage with a song by the late Robert Brown Jr., "Bid 'Em In," which was based on the cold-blooded auction of slaves from the past.

Midway Home Entertainment
Midway's new Wayne Gretzky hockey game is so good, even the real Wayne Gretzky is getting his ass kicked.

Dealing with Contract Risk & Compliance is why many corporate legal councils lose their hair early. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some AI to help out?

Comcast Testimonials
With new competition entering the market, Comcast wanted to reaffirm their local presence of the Portland area. We shot this campaign throughout Portland and used existing Comcast customers who felt Comcast was the only game in town.

Chase Securities of Texas
It's great to be able to use your bank to invest for your kids college education — and even better if your kid knows what he/she wants to be.

Gresham Jeep_Mud
As with many local car dealerships, our client wanted to list off all kinds of self-promoting dealer attributes — we're local, we've been in business for 30 years, we have a huge selection. So how do you say all that in an interesting way? Here's how.

Extend_Brand Overview
Extend is a virtual card management platform that helps companies manage their company credit card between employees, partners and vendors.