A Journey to the Amazon Basin of Peru.
You know you're "out there" when you come back after a full day and have dinner with the National Geographic Photographers who are also staying with you. This was an epic trip and I wish everyone could experience the jungle as I did.

Freetime Machos
Rugby is one of the toughest sports there is – on the outside. But inside this amateur Northern Finnish men's team we see the softer side of the men who play this grueling game. The friendship and what men really talk about. Great film. Hope you enjoy the article.

Rush – Beyond The Lighted Stage
As a die-hard Rush fan, I felt compelled to write an article on the documentary movie, "Rush – Beyond the Lighted Stage" for the Huff Post. This movie chronicled the history of the band, it's obstacles, tragedies and overall glory. If you ever liked Rush, you'll love this movie. Enjoy.